Pain in a tooth and around it is a common discomfort, especially when people have bad oral hygiene. It can be permanent or felt after stimulus ( e. g. heat, cold, sweet drink or food, chewing, toothbrushing) or both.
Toothache is a painful condition which stretches along the jaw and part of the face. It usually occurs when a tooth nerve is irritated and inflamed. It is usually a result of caries that leads to infection and possible tooth loss.
There are different types of toothache and pain alone can very often be a sign of serious infection. The pain intesity can be different depending on the sensitivity of the tooth. If you feel the pain, no matter what kind it is, it is necessary to contact your dentist. If it starts during the night or you don’t have possibility to visit your dentist for some other reason right away, you can take an analgesic.
You should stop taking analgesics at least three hours before going to the dentist because they can cover up a real condition of the disease and make it difficult to diagnose.
When tooth becomes sensitive in a way that intense sharp toothache appears while consuming cold drinks, we can suspect that a loss of tooth enamel and dentin has occured. If the pain is sharp and lasts shortly, i.e. as long as the stimulus, we think it’s not a pulp inflammation ( pulpitis) and it is necessary to treat the caries and put filling without extraction of the nerve In order to determine definite diagnosis and therapy, it is necessary to perform an examination and analysis of the x – ray. (rtg)
Perpetual ache in a jaw can be a result of dental nerve impairment. nerve impairment can arise as a result of caries which allows microorganisms to come to dental pulp. They produce toxins which destruct the pulp. At that point, an extremely strong pain spreads across the entire half of the face. Patient can’t often determine which tooth aches. The pain is constant and somentimes it doesn’t stop even after consuming analgesics. In this case, it is necessary to extract a dental pulp. Unless there is no bacterial penetration, it can be done in a single visit to dentist, under local anesthesia which is sufficient for the intervention to pass painlessly. After that, the pain stops.
Sensitivity of the tooth while biting, i. e. while touching the tooth, can appear after constant pain, when a patient feels better. It can be a reson to postpone a visit to the dentist, but ache which appears in these situations can mean that bacterial toxins have completely destroyed dental pulp and that infection is spreading to a bone tissue around the tooth through the gap on the peak of a root. It is necessary to open the tooth, drain it a few days and close it after reducing the number of bacteria.
Ache at the back of a jaw can develop due to impacted third molars or diseases of jaw angle.
Prevent toothache by following some of the advice:
- Lower your sugar intake; consume extremely sweet food and drink only occasionally;
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Don’t forget to clean your tongue and gums;
- Use mouth rinse and floss to scavenge food between the teeth;
- Don’t smoke;
- Check your teeth regularly and remove dental calculus every six months at the dentist.
If you have any questions, you can contact us on 051 218 – 129 or via e – mail or you can send message to fb page inbox.