Teeth bleaching – the fastest way to regain a radiant smile

izbjeljivanje zuba

Teeth bleaching – the fastest way to regain a radiant smile

Do you know that while talking to you over 50% of people pay attention to your smile? Change of the tooth colour is caused by external factors such as smoking and enhanced intake of tea, coffee and red wine. Trauma and congenital changes in hard dental tissue structure are also the cause of tooth coloration….

What happens to your teeth when you avoid regular visists to the dentist?

Visiting dentist every six months is a habit which we need to maintain if we want to have healthy and beautiful teeth and gums. Patient with poor dental hygiene, existing problems and bad genetic factors should go to a dentist even more often. Unfortunately, a fast lifestyle and fear of a dentist can lead to…

Krunice i mostovi

Crowns and bridges – is it time to change old ones with new ones?

Crowns and bridges – the most common forms of fixed prosthetics which are patients interested in are crowns ( onlays) and bridges. Crowns are used for restoring the appearance and function of one tooth. Bridges are used for filling in holes in a teeth row caused by tooth extraction. How long do crowns and bridges…

Četkice za zube

A toothbrush – replacing old toothbrush with a new one

Toothbrushes – if you want to have healthy and beautiful teeth, it is necessary to pay special attention to oral hygiene and use a toothbrush of high quality. It si possible to maintain healthy teeth and gums only with adequate oral hygiene and right appliances. It is wrong to think: ‘ Harder I brush my…


Toothache can be a sign of a serious infection

Pain in a tooth and around it is a common discomfort, especially when people have bad oral hygiene. It can be permanent or felt after stimulus ( e. g. heat, cold, sweet drink or food, chewing, toothbrushing) or both. Toothache is a painful condition which stretches along the jaw and part of the face. It…

Oboljenja desni

Gum diseases are caused by dental deposits

Gum diseases – If sedimentary deposits stay on teeth, bacteria produce toxic substances which can irritate gums and damage teeth. That leads to gum inflammation which can cause swelling, sensitivity and bleeding during teeth flossing which actually represents gingivitis. Gingivitis is not permanent condition. It can be cured because the bone which supports teeth is…

Impaktirani zubi

Impacted teeth ( unerupted)

Impacted tooth is a tooth which didn’t erupt in time and it clinically and radiographically doesn’t show signs of growth. Although every tooth can be impacted, besides wisdom teeth, canines are most frequently impacted. At age of 11 or 12, a child should have all permanent teeth except molars . Longer is the time of…

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